KeresésIngyenes hirdetésfeladás

Készülékek a mobil telefonok kategóriában

Motorola RAZR V3i

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 2012-07-12 21:23:07
I totally use my caladner/reminder nearly every day. I use my alarm clock as needed. Now that we have the texting option, my girls and I txt all the time. Wish I had a keyboard, but I like that I have the "word" option to make it a bit easier. We have Verizon, so when I switch, I'll be getting the LG Dare. My 15 yr old has it and I love it. My 17 yr old has the LG EnV which has a keyboard.We also send pics & videos to each other. Oh, just remembered I use the Notes option & calculator a lot. I miss my Tip Analyzer from my old phone.~Mimi B
Összes hozzászólás: 1 db

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